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Learn more about offshore development | Rootstack

We know that developing software is not an easy task. It takes time, effort, money, and lots of people to deliver a great software application. Therefore, when faced with the need to create such a project, companies can choose between outsourcing or in-house style of work.


Now, at home refers to the typical way of hiring a team of software developers who will work with you, in your own company, and become a regular part of your workforce.


But if you choose to outsource your software development process, you can opt for nearshore solutions or to develop offshore software.


Do you want to know more about offshore development? Contact us!

Learn more about our Project-Based Model service | Rootstack

The Project-Based Model service can be very useful when you have quite a clear idea of the project you want to carry out, you want to materialize it but you do not have enough equipment for it, or the one you have should simply be dedicated to more central tasks within the company.


This is one of the services that is booming, since it allows companies to develop their projects quickly and efficiently, without sacrificing quality, on the contrary. But before hiring a technology partner, the ideal is that you are clear about the product or platform you want to develop, the scope and the requirements.


Do you want to know more about this service? Contact us!

Learn more about our IT Staff Augmentation service

The heart of a company is its work team. The professionalism of each of its members makes the quality of the projects grow and stand out from the rest. But we know that, on occasions, there are projects that perhaps exceed the operational capacity of the company, at which point it becomes essential to hire more personnel to fulfill the tasks necessary to carry them out. This is the right opportunity to add more professionals to your team via Staff Augmentation.


This outsourcing contracting model is one that is being used the most by companies today, due to the great operational benefits it brings to the workflow in general and the outstanding results that can be achieved.


Do you want to know more? Contact us!

VueJS the library you need

An open source framework for building single page user interfaces and applications

With Salesforce improve the relationship with your customers

An integrated CRM platform that provides a single, shared view of each customer

Why use React Native

Create real native apps that can run on any mobile system.

Ready to take your company to the next level?