
Benefits of using Sucuri to secure your website from attackers.

June 18, 2021


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The internet. The most wonderful yet surprisingly unsafe creation we’ve have had in the last decade. Loved by every geek, programmer, software junkie and every regular person in the world, and hated by those who don’t fully understand it. When you have a webpage out on the internet, you begin to wonder just how can you protect it and ultimately protect yourself against attacks you cannot see or avoid and what could be the best security plug in… And that’s when Sucuri comes in. According to a report made by the Sucuri Remediation Group and the Incident Response Team, published on the 25 of May of this current year, just in 2017 alone there were 34,000 infected websites. That’s right, 34,000 websites were hacked in some way or another during 2017, either because they didn’t have the right online protection service, or because they weren’t protected at all. It is also worth to mention that according to the report, the most common CMS platform infected or hacked was Wordpress, with an impressive number of 83% of the 34,000 websites infected in their platform alone. Seeing these massive numbers pop out and realizing the huge breach on the technology security nowadays, it is only normal people are looking for better and more effective ways to protect their online domains. That being said, Sucuri is the right option to do this job. ##**What is sacuri.** Sucuri is a world wide famous security plug in available for any website platform. They are known for being a reliable, high quality website security platform that protects your website from attackers, hackers and any other malfunction. This security plugin was designed to provide webmasters a tool that would allow them to be protected in the face of any kind of internet or virtual attack by giving them reports and valuable insights of their current security status. Now, to get it you have to pay. Sucuri is a payed security plug in your purchase to use it all year long, time during which your website will be completely secured and covered. Plans and prices might vary depending on your website’s needs. ##**Online protection and WAF, how does it all work?** Sucuzi is a security plug in that provides you with online protection. What it does, once your purchase their services is that it is installed on your website and acts as a screen protector between any user that comes to your webpage and your own webpage, meaning there is always a protection separating the two. In other words, Sucuri is an Web Application Firewall also known as WAF. These applications protect and speed up your whole website, acting as a constant filter of everything that comes in contact with your webpage. This security plug in works in all HTTPS applications, and runs through all website platforms such as but no limited to: Wordpress, Drupal, Microsoft.NET and the famous joomla. Security plugins such as Sucuri cover everything from common cross-site scripting attacks to malware attacks. To make things even more accessible for everyone, Sucuri plans are adaptable for all kinds of business: Small, medium and big. Which allows you to get the protection you need at an affordable price. ##**Sucuri top features.** Sucuri offers five essential online features: Detection, Protection, Performance, Response and Backups, being one of the few security plugins to have a full on protective plan for webmasters. Detection: By using their algorithm to track down code anomalies, monitoring signs of website attacks and abnormal changes in your DNS settings, they can detect any possible hack attack and warn you when your site is danger. They have a scanning method that is constantly checking for hack attacks and a alter machisming that instantly warns you. Not to mention, they have improve their platform so there are less and less false alarms everyday. ###**Protection:** Sucuri is a website application firewall and a such is constantly using its cloud-based firewall to stop hackers and virtual attacks from getting to your website’s code. They are constantly developing new ways to make their WAF more secure and offer bigger you benefits, amongst which you’ll be able to set up your own rules about the firewall and what to do if there’s a sign of a hacking attack. ###**Performance:** By having a safer, quicker website your rates and traffic will immediately go up, affecting your performance in a positive way, specially if you’re using their CDN feature which allow your page to load faster. Response: Fast and efficient, Sucuri offers immediate help to repair your website in case of any hack attack, with an average of only six hours to put your webpage back on track. ###**Backup:** There is a chance a virtual attack might put your website down, in these cases Sucuri also acts as a backup platform allowing you to recover your website in very easy steps. ##**What Sucuri does for you (Benefits of a security plug in)** ###**1: It offers you a reliable WAF.** By purchasing Sucuri as your security plugin, their Website application firewall starts to run immediately, checking every HTTPS and HTTP traffic and destroying every bad traffic, avoiding it to ever reach the original host, meaning, your website. Think of it as a invisible filter that individually checks everything that wants to come in contact with your webpage, allowing only the ones that pass through its network to reach your website. ###**2: CDN feature.** CDN also known as a Content Delivery Network is a feature provided by Sucuri that allows the images and other medias of your website to download through their platform (instead of your own website), making the overall speed of your webpage faster. This improves the performance, lowers the bounce rates and increases the speed of your website, not to mention, it acts as a sort of backup. ###**3: Active scanner.** Last, but not least, Sucuri is constantly scanning your website for any threats. As a matter of fact they run this scans automatically every four to twelve hours, while also running a malware scanner daily. To wrap things up, Sucuri is the security plugin you’d want to have backing up your Website in case something bad happens. With their reliable Web Application Firewall, active algorithm that tracks down code abnormalities and powerful filter to get rid of bad traffic, you can be sure your site is in qualified hands.